Wednesday, May 6, 2020

High School Sports Be A Drastic Decision Essay - 1165 Words

Public high schools in the United States are responsible for predominantly educating children in the classroom. However, an education should be well rounded and teach students about multiple different aspects of life. Fitness education, physical education, and high school athletics are competitive. Public high schools hold the responsibility to offer as many sports as possible and to support as many students to succeed. Terminating high school sports would be a drastic decision. â€Å"One 2010 study by Betsey Stevenson, then at the University of Pennsylvania, found that, in a given state, increases in the number of girls playing high-school sports have historically generated higher college-attendance and employment rates among women. Another study, conducted by Columbia’s Margo Gardner, found that teenagers who participated in extracurriculars had higher college-graduation and voting rates, even after controlling for ethnicity, parental education, and other factors† (Ri pley, â€Å"The Case Against High School Sports†). However we cannot ignore the fact that high school sports require a large amount of tax dollars, attribute to lower academic rankings, and pressure youth to conform for organization regulations. â€Å"‘Sports are a big deal here,’ says Jenny.† (Ripley, â€Å"The Case Against High School Sports†) Jenny is a fifteen year old who moved to America from South Korea in 2011. She was quoted describing how America’s education system surprised her. In southern New Jersey she attendedShow MoreRelatedDrug Testing of High School Students1075 Words   |  5 PagesMandatory Drug Testing of High School Athletes Brandon had always wanted to play football for his high school team. 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