Monday, December 30, 2019

‘The value of objective and subjective evidence in...

‘The value of objective and subjective evidence in understanding mental health conditions’ It is important to consider both subjective and objective evidences to gain a comprehensive picture of any mental health condition. I am going to demonstrate through examples how parallel considerations can be used by clinicians to gain a full understanding of mental health disorders. Subjective evidence is how the patient interprets the working of his own mind. It includes what he reports about his thoughts and feelings including any uncomfortable sensations or distressing thoughts. Objective evidence on the other hand is measurable. It comprises of any signs of the illness that can be observed by a third person and any abnormality that has a†¦show more content†¦He takes into consideration not only the patient’s mental state but also the patient’s general physical health, psychosocial or environmental problems, their ability to integrate into society and take care of themselves. Subjective evidence includes the thoughts and feelings of the patient. It comprises of the symptoms the patient is reporting and the level of distress he is experiencing. A patient suffering from depression for example might report symptoms of having dark thoughts, feeling blue, can complain of persistent low mood, outbursts of crying, decreased appetite and activity levels, lack of sleep. These are all examples of subjective evidence. Objective evidence about the condition includes any signs noticeable to the clinician that can be taken as an indication of mental disease. This can include slumped posture, poor hygiene, scruffy appearance, sadness, crying, sighing or pacing. Lack of appetite can be a symptom a depressed person is complaining about, while the amount of weight loss is measurable and objective. Aches, pains and flulike symptoms may not have any biological basis in the body but can be psychosomatic manifestations of the depression. Moreover depression usually accompanie s many severe, long-term conditions. During the psychological assessment the clinician gathers all information about a patient’s medical health and mental health history, collects information from immediate family members, looks

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Fit Stop - 3345 Words

Please find enclosed Case Study One – Designing a Reward System for â€Å"The Fit Stop†, for your review. Using point form, write a brief description of the organization, its employees, and its challenges. What is the organizations domain? (10 points needed) Organization: * The Fit Stop is a new franchise opening in four months. * The Fit Stop will sell all types of training, fitness conditioning and exercise equipment to the general public * The Fit Stop plans to specialize beyond equipment to provide customers with personalized advice geared to customer’s specific training/conditioning needs * It will be starting out with stores in major cities in Ontario and in four western provinces – with plans of expanding to Quebec†¦show more content†¦* The business does not expect to make a profit for a least one year or maybe even two Lack of Experience: * Although the owner has great ideas towards the business, it appears that this is where her main focus is. * The owner has not defined what she will be receiving for investments in wages, salaries and benefits * The owner feels the safest thing to do is to use the same compensation systems as her competitors. This may or may not work because: * The success or failure of â€Å"The Fit Stop’s† reward system depends on how well it fits the organizational context and total organizational system. It is highly unlikely these aspects will be the same as herShow MoreRelatedThe Fit Stop2266 Words   |  10 PagesDetermine your compensation values Step 4 Design your performance pay and indirect pay plans Step 5 Implement, manage, evaluate, and adapt the compensation system Each step is just one part of the total organizational system, each part must fit with and support the other parts. There are three variable patterns into which these parts can be arranged, each pattern represents one type of managerial strategy. Each managerial strategy then relies on a different reward and compensation strategyRead MoreFinancial Planning During Economic Crisis1571 Words   |  7 Pagesprovide. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

China Free Essays

In my opinion theses terms would be ‘national’ and ;corporate’ culture, along with cross-cultural differences. Even within a culture there are many groupings and levels that are present within each Individuals mental outlook. These include cultural layers such as, national culture, regional culture, gender, generation, social as well as corporate culture. We will write a custom essay sample on China or any similar topic only for you Order Now I will touch on these all very briefly In the main body of my essay but concentrate mainly on the national and corporate layers of culture. (www. Tama. Du) National Culture can be described as, † The result from one nation attributing characteristics to another, which can exult In stereotyping and prejudice. National culture needs to take account of differences In the groups and communities which all contribute to national culture. † (www. Pearson. Co. UK) If stereotyping and prejudice are occurring in the workplace this can have many detrimental effects on employees and their motivation or ability to work as part of the organization. Will pay more attention to how this could possibly affect business success later on In the essay. Corporate culture can be described, † The basic assumptions and beliefs held by employees about the organization they work for. (www. USC. Com) Corporate culture will affect the Interaction between diverse groupings within the workplace and like national culture, is very likely to have and effect on how the workforce perform. I am going to start the main body of my essay providing an outline of the concept of national culture and move on to the concepts of corporate culture, before comparing all firms are going to view success in the same way and ways can vary differently from firm to firm. For clarity I will touch on how different firms could view the term ‘being successful’ and measuring their own success. I will then look at what those aspects that may be considered as a cross-cultural difference and how these factors are going to impede the organization’s success. Finishing with a few basic ideas on how to avoid the problems brought about by cross-cultural differences and how to manage these to become a potentially more successful organization. Finally I am going to conclude on any findings from my research and in a short summary, link those findings back to the essay title. A national culture attributes certain specific characteristics from one nation to another. This can be in the from of stereotyping and grouping all members of a action together in the same way. An example of national culture could be that the British drink far too much and have a tendency to become violent, giving rise to hooliganism especially in the context of football. To tarnish all football fans with this presentment would be incorrect as only a small minority are responsible for causing the trouble. On the other hand corporate culture refers to an individuals own personal views concerning the organization they are working for. These views and ideas are likely to be brought about from the employees own experiences in the workplace and are robbery going to vary and change over time as they work for the organization. The difference between national and organizational or corporate culture would be that national culture is more associated with the nation as a whole and less about the individuals ideas. Where as corporate culture deals more with the individuals personal outlook on things concerning the work environment. The prejudice that comes with national culture may be forced upon the individual which is not the case for corporate culture, which allows the individual to build up beliefs through their past experiences. (wry. Tama. Du) With globalization becoming a much more common factor to consider for many businesses, this poses the problem of cross-cultural differences as barriers that have to be overcome if the firm is to stand the best chance of being successful. Globalization can have huge benefits for a firm’s success if it is carried out in the right way and attention is paid to details such as cultural differences. However the firm could end up paying heavily if they over look the importance and significance of cross-cultural differences for the employees they are working with. Cross-cultural differences may include such issues as the communication used and ethos of transferring information between cultures and departments, the of solving the same problem, also the area within the organization over which any information is dispersed. Www. Tapping. Com) The problem if communication between cultures is a tough one, as the same gestures is likely to have different meanings in different areas and cultures. A good example of this would be the fact that in Bulgaria shaking your head up and down means no rather the side to side in many other places. Along with gestures, words and phrases can have different meanings which could cause confu sion when carrying out business across cultural lines. Also different cultures make different assumptions when faced with the same situation. In international projects these differences could make or break the outcome from the start if processes and agreements are not clear to both cultural sides. Miscommunication is thought of as the largest cross-cultural barrier that has to be overcome by an organization, to achieve potential success. (www. Tapping. Com) The above problems would be made more aware at the national culture level but it is important not to forget the cross-cultural differences will still be occurring at the organizational or corporate level. These differences are mentioned below. An organization is unlikely to be structured in exactly the same way if set up in more than one country and this is going to affect the way in which day to day tasks are carried out in different places. Such things as distributing power and information throughout departments in the workplace are very varied in different countries. An example of this would be the way in which information is passed through a firm in Germany compared to that of an American firm. The German firm is likely to keep information within set departments and only inform those who need to know. Whereas as an American firm is likely to move information across departments more freely. (www. Tapping. Com) When talking about success in business there can be many interpretations and people will view success differently. Especially in different cultures when looking at the emphasis that is put on financial success it is clear to see it varies greatly. A good example of this would be the different outlooks between the Chinese and American culture. America places business as it’s main priority with success being seen as achieving wealth. Economics are put first in the American outlook and the culture is very individual based. This places large emphasis on financial gain as being the measurement success. (www. Venturesome. Com) This differs from the Chinese outlook with China placing emphasis on building relationships and respect is given for wisdom and ability. This is not to say that China view no success in financial gain, as this is the baseline for business activity. (www. Venturesome. Mom) Schneider and Barbour state how, â€Å"each country has its unique institutional and point, only to become liabilities when the environment changes. Managers therefore need to evaluate the extent to which national culture can interfere with their many†¦ † (Mullions ’07) This shows that if national culture is nurtured in the correct fashion by management then it can most certainly be advantageous to a businessâ⠂¬â„¢ success. However the flip side to this could be that if nurtured incorrectly projects undertaken are likely to be unsuccessful. It is proving to be a very important issue that has to be looked at and approached with care by managed as in the United States the Department of Labor released statistics showing how between 1985 and 2000 only around 15% of new entrants into the workforce in the USA were white males. This obviously shows Just how diverse he workforce is becoming and how much of an important factor culture in the workplace is for management. For all businesses success is determined by reaching corporate goals and objectives. Those goals and objectives are very likely to vary between different organizations and could be anything from breaking into a new market and merely surviving at first, to reaching set profits or targets in their current market. Avoiding the problem of cross-cultural differences can greatly help the organization to achieve success. For this to be done attention to those details mentioned above must be taken (communication etc. The main problem for firms may be confusion in communication methods, by paying fine attention to this any confusion can be reduced. Removing confusion can be done by, clarifying what is expected, removing general details, summarizing information and decisions as well as simplifying any language used. (www. Tapping. Com) In summary, when looking at the differences between national and corporate culture, it is easy to see that national culture refers to a much larger and impersonal outlook towards a nation, where as corporate culture is more about the individuals feelings towards their employer based on experience. Cross-cultural differences can include such things as communication and information sharing within an organization and how these are carried out. How to cite China, Papers China Free Essays China Free Essays

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Business Strategy Ticktock Watches

Question: Discuss about the Business Strategy Ticktock Watches. Answer: How would you use differentiation strategy to increase the customer base? Differentiation strategy is a business level strategy that allows the product or the brand to differentiate its benefit and the value proposition for the competitors. Differentiation strategy is important to compete in the market because it provides a distinct place for the product in the customers mind (Vasconcellos e Sa, Olao and Pereira 2011). In case of Ticktock Industries, two types of differentiation strategies will be most suitable to increase the customer base. The first is the Tangible differentiation strategy and the second is the intangible differentiation strategy. Differentiation strategy for Ticktock watch Market differentiation strategy is associated with several aspect of the product that is important to create consumer value. Therefore to develop the differentiation strategy of the company it is very important to understand that what are the differentiation opportunities in the market and what is the perspective that influence the differentiation to develop the strategy. Differentiation opportunities Figure 1: Differentiation opportunities for Ticktock watch company in the global market (Source: created by author) Differentiation opportunities of Ticktock clock are categorized in two segments, one is the tangible opportunities, the other is the intangible opportunities, and both are important because customers will measure from both the aspect (Lii, Wu and Ding 2013). Tangible opportunities In earlier time, wristwatch was one of the basic needs of every individual to measure and understand the time because that time there was no other option that can measure time. After the introduction of mobile phone, need of wristwatch has changed from basic, need to esteem need. Therefore, to sustain in this market it is very important to change the direction of business with tangible changes in the product (Verganti 2013). The company should meet the appearance of the product with premium brand. The lighter watch is more preferable by the premium customer therefore, it is very important to reduce the weight to differentiate form others. Premium brands are always stands for durability therefore there is opportunity to increase the durability of the product by improving material and technology. Intangible opportunities To sell wristwatch to a premium customer intangible factors become the most influential substance because of the awareness. In recent time the consumer of the wristwatch has changed their taste and wearing it for style. Ticktock has to enhance their brand value in such a way so that they their customer feel respectable after wearing it. There is a huge opportunity lying with the brand to enhance the brand status to differentiate. If the company is able to reduce the cost of production then they will be able to differentiate by price also (Rosenbaum-Elliott, Percy and Pervan 2015). Differentiation perspective Figure 2: Differentiation perspective of Ticktock Industries for their wristwatch (Source: Chen and Huang 2015) In the segment of wristwatch, many companies are operating their business in the global market with similar kind of product however; each brand has uniqueness in their marketing strategy. Ticktock is the largest manufacturer of wristwatch in China and they have good global exposure of their brand (Singh and Khan 2012). The company has good brand reputation however the brand is mostly popular among the aged customer therefore Ticktock is unable to capture the large market of young population. To increase the market share Ticktock industries has to enhance the perception of their brand value by offering social status to the customer. Through the help of advertisement, perception will change among the customer, which will increase the demand. In such case, the company should change the perception of supply to keep the demand in the market (Hoffmann and Coste-Manire 2011). Proposed differentiation strategy Figure 3: Proposed differentiation strategy for Ticktock Industries (Source: Created by author) The proposed differentiation strategy of Ticktock watch is divided in four areas for the implementation that are discussed below. Differentiation by user experience The first step to differentiate the product is to enhance the user experience of the product. If the product is lighter with bigger dial then the preference of the customer will increase. Apart from that company has to make watch that is completely water resistance in any situation with heat resistant. This kind of feature will allow user to use it in any situation with any fear by enhancing the user experience (Rangasamy 2011). Differentiation by looks The brand is preferred by the aged person, which means it lack in style. Company has to increase the design making it more stylish to attract the young customer. The stylish design should include modernization with trendy looks to achieve the differentiation effect. Differentiation by price Differentiation through price is important for the brand that should maintain the class lower than the premium and higher than the average brand. This will influence the young customers, as they always want to enhance their status (Bashutkina 2015). Differentiation by quality Differentiating through quality is most important because it will create the long-term brand value for the company. Implementing good material and superior technology will help to differentiate the brand in the market (Anjum 2011). Technological superiority will provide the maximum benefit to the company to differentiate their brand as one of the premium quality with affordability for the young earning generation. Explain the segmentation of the watch market and how you would target different customers. The market segmentation strategy of the company is associated with the four subclasses because this product is not going to sell to every customer. The company is trying to enhance the looks, quality and user experience within affordable price therefore the segmentation of the Ticktock market should include Demographic, Psychographic, Behavioral and Geographical segmentation (Wu and Zhang 2012). Figure 4: Market segmentation of Ticktock wristwatch (Source: Wedel and Kamakura 2012) Demographic segmentation Demographic segmentation of Tictock Company is very important because they already have the preference of aged persons only. Therefore, Tickrock Company has to segment the market according to the age consisting between 15 to 25, 25 to 45, 45 to 55 and above. This type of segmentation will help the company to differentiate the design of the clock according to the age. The segmentation of 15 to 25 will consist most stylish design that attract youth. For 25 to 45 segment will have style with classic because this age group prefers the classical stylish design (Wolmarans 2012). The aged class will get the classical looks. Apart from that under the demographic segmentation, social class is also an important factor. Psychographic segmentation To enhance the brand status it is very important to enhance the brand image. Psychographic segmentation will help to attend the objective of this segmentation. Lifestyle and personality is the base of this segmentation. Persons preferring gadgets to enhance their lifestyle and personality comes under this class. Most of the young population and earning groups poses this mentality (Birindelli 2012). The premium customer with lot of wealth also prefers to enhance their lifestyle through branded gadgets. Therefore, psychographic segmentation is very important to enhance the brand value of the product. Current perception of the product and the current marketing activity will help to bring change within the customer. Therefore, it is important to segment those customers who are psychologically vulnerable (Brondoni 2014). This kind of group always tries new things and help to enhance the market share. Behavioral segmentation Behavioral segmentation is associated with the several benefit and habit of occasion within a particular culture. Most of the premium watches customer first prefers the features of the product that will provide benefit to their life. Looks is also one of that benefit. In many countries, people wear valuable wristwatches in several occasions. Therefore, the product has the both preference of benefit and occasion. Segmentation of benefit and segmentation of occasion is very different but both come under the behavioral segmentation (Buza, Luterbacher and Sennhauser 2012). Benefit is the influence for the technology lovers and persons who prefer to wear watches in occasion prefer the looks of the watch. Geographical segmentation Geographic segmentation is also important for the company because right product will sell to the right customer. Customers are located in different areas and their preference changes across the geographic location due to the cultural, social and economical aspect. Wristwatch is highly preferred by the population of the developed country because they use it as the gadget and the style statement (Jeannerat and Crevoisier 2014). Therefore, geographic segmentation will help to understand the market in a better way and place the product in the right area. Availability of the product is also an important aspect of the company because once the product is available across the globe customers will start to show the preference towards the brand. Target market segment strategy The target market of Ticktock is associated with the market needs, market trends and market growth. Due to the use of Smartphone need of wristwatch has eliminated from the basic need therefore wristwatch is selling in the segment of lifestyle need. Therefore, the target customers of the company are young age persons who want to enhance their social status through the help of different gadgets. The primary target market of the company is the young age because these markets remain untapped by them and most the wristwatch consumer belongs to the age of 20 to 45 years of age. The company will target the age group within 15 to 25 with the most stylish look that are different from the common brand (Min 2016). The stylish look will have uniqueness with limited edition. For 25 to 45 years of age prefer style with classic design therefore this age group is targeted with classical stylish design. The aged class will be targeted with the classical looks. The current trend of the market is getting the preference of the college students and young earning group. These segments use the wristwatch for their style statement. Therefore, market segment also suggesting to target this class of customer to get the proper business. Apart from that, market growth is also an indicator to suggest the target market for every product. It is better to target those markets, which are showing good growth in the recent past. Therefore the company has decided to target the market of USA, UK, UAE, Singapore, Japan, China, Korea, India and Australia because these market are showing increased customer preference for the watch segment (Kracheel, Bronzi and Kazemi 2014). Consumer preference in these markets is also changing from the average brand of wristwatch to premium brand wristwatch, which is good chance to target the market, as lot of scope is available in these markets with the price differentiation, look differentiation, feature differentiation and use r experience differentiation. How can you use product positioning in your search for gaining competitive advantage? Explain Product positioning is very important to understand the proper market of the brand and the product. Ticktock is operating their business in the wristwatch segment where customer preference always remains with the dignity of the brand in the society. After the preference of the dignity, the preference of affordability comes after, that associate the economy class of people. Every class of people tries to buy those products that are premium as compared to his current position (Rawassizadeh, Price and Petre 2015). Therefore, Ticktock has lot of opportunity to place their brand in such a way that is nearer to the position of premium class but with the price hike just above affordability. Such positioning of the brand will help to associate more number of customers with their brand. Middle class has the highest user of wristwatch throughout the globe therefore, it is important to position the band in such way so that they get the maximum attraction in terms of price and brand value. Figure 5: Product positioning of Ticktock Industries in the global market (Source: Created by author) Ticktock has planned to position their brand in such a way that will remain low inn price as shown in the graph however; the brand value of the product will remain in the higher side. Most importantly, the brand of the product is associated with the higher brand value. This type of product helps to grab the middle class and upper class market very quickly. The reason behind this positioning is the affordability of the brand that will attract more number of customers. The better material and technology will promise the best value for money for the customer and give a feel of premium quality product (Tajeddini 2013). This type of brand positioning enhances the competitiveness of the brand that also helps to increase the competitive advantage in the market. Brand positioning enhancing the competitive advantage Enhanced user experience Ticktock has to establish their brand in such a way that provide enhanced user experience that will differentiate them to increase the competitive advantage in the market. If Ticktock is able to provide the lighter weight material that will reduce the weight them customer will become happier. The advantage of water and heat resistant is also need to enhance that provides flexibility to the customer to use it in any situation without any hesitation (Anwar 2012). Durable If Ticktock is able to use best material for the product then it can obviously position as one of the most durable brand in the wristwatch segment. Durability is very important to the premium as well as to the middle class customer because they measure the quality of the product through this. If the product is durable then it can compete in the segment of premium wristwatch by enhancing the competitive advantage as compared to the customer. Superior technology Technology is the most important part to gain the competitive advantage in the market. The company belongs to one such country that is highly superior inn technology. Therefore, Ticktock has to introduce some latest technology in the wristwatch segment that will enhance the user experience. Along with time if the watch is able to provide the current temperature then it will add extra benefit to the consumer. Therefore, to position the brand in the superior position is very important to enhance the competitive advantage. Technology implementation can also enhance the automatic update of time and in different time zone, which will be a added benefit to the traveler class. These kinds of features will always increase the competitive advantage, as they are not offering the same service to the customer (Kanagal 2014). Affordable price The brand positioning is highly associated with the price because market is highly sensitive to this factor.ref Most of the time good brands remain out of reach from the middle class customer. Therefore, if Ticktock is able to produce such brand that is superior in quality but affordable in price then it will get the maximum advantage in the market. To gain the competitive advantage pricing will be done that is lower than the premium brand because market trend is also changing. Customers are preferring the affordable price with same features like premium brand (Pradhan 2012). Therefore, pricing strategy of the company will also help to enhance the competitive advantage in the market. Better features Better features is the objective of every brand and they should improve it in a continuous basis to increase the competitive advantage in the market. Better features mean that better quality that provides better benefit to the customer. Technological improvement should make a continuous effort to enhance the product quality that adds values to the user experience. If the user are getting better product each time then they will also upgrade their self. This type of strategy will help to increase the market share in short term and business outcome will increase (Lii, Wu and Ding 2013). The loyalty of the customer also increases in this strategy, which also enhances the competitive advantage in the market. Stylish look The previous design of the brand is associated with the classical looks only that have built the customer base among the aged population. The company has established their brand as one of the durable and well-featured brand in the wristwatch segment. The only thing is the design that keeps away the young customer. Therefore, to enhance the competitive advantage in the market and to attract the young population it is very important to change the design of the product (Bashutkina 2015). Good-looking trendy and stylish design will help to attract the young customer that will help to enhance the market share by many times, because it will add a different set of customer suddenly. Gaining competitive advantage is very important for every brand therefore above strategy of Ticktok company will also help the organization to increase the competitive advantage because it will offer affordability with good features and design. The current market trend is also suggesting that consumer preference is towards those brands that are offering low price with every features of the premium brand. Therefore, it is expected that with this strategy implementation Ticktock will also gain descent market share with good growth as compared to the past record. Reference List Anjum, M., 2011. Strengthening Financial Position through Profit Maximisation a Study on Controllable Factors Via Indian Wrist Watch Industry.Asian Journal of Management,2(2), pp.77-80. Anwar, S.T., 2012. Selling time: swatch group and the global watch industry.Thunderbird International Business Review,54(5), pp.747-762. Bashutkina, M., 2015, June. Art Of Invention: Marketing Strategies For Independent Luxury Watch Brands. In2015 Global Fashion Management Conference at Florence(pp. 142-151). Birindelli, F.G., 2012. Luxury business: Multinational organizations and global specializations. InLuxury Strategy in Action(pp. 22-36). Palgrave Macmillan UK. Brondoni, S.M., 2014. Innovation and Imitation for Global Competitive Strategies. The Corporation Development Models of US, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan.Symphonya. 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