Monday, December 30, 2019

‘The value of objective and subjective evidence in...

‘The value of objective and subjective evidence in understanding mental health conditions’ It is important to consider both subjective and objective evidences to gain a comprehensive picture of any mental health condition. I am going to demonstrate through examples how parallel considerations can be used by clinicians to gain a full understanding of mental health disorders. Subjective evidence is how the patient interprets the working of his own mind. It includes what he reports about his thoughts and feelings including any uncomfortable sensations or distressing thoughts. Objective evidence on the other hand is measurable. It comprises of any signs of the illness that can be observed by a third person and any abnormality that has a†¦show more content†¦He takes into consideration not only the patient’s mental state but also the patient’s general physical health, psychosocial or environmental problems, their ability to integrate into society and take care of themselves. Subjective evidence includes the thoughts and feelings of the patient. It comprises of the symptoms the patient is reporting and the level of distress he is experiencing. A patient suffering from depression for example might report symptoms of having dark thoughts, feeling blue, can complain of persistent low mood, outbursts of crying, decreased appetite and activity levels, lack of sleep. These are all examples of subjective evidence. Objective evidence about the condition includes any signs noticeable to the clinician that can be taken as an indication of mental disease. This can include slumped posture, poor hygiene, scruffy appearance, sadness, crying, sighing or pacing. Lack of appetite can be a symptom a depressed person is complaining about, while the amount of weight loss is measurable and objective. Aches, pains and flulike symptoms may not have any biological basis in the body but can be psychosomatic manifestations of the depression. Moreover depression usually accompanie s many severe, long-term conditions. During the psychological assessment the clinician gathers all information about a patient’s medical health and mental health history, collects information from immediate family members, looks

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Fit Stop - 3345 Words

Please find enclosed Case Study One – Designing a Reward System for â€Å"The Fit Stop†, for your review. Using point form, write a brief description of the organization, its employees, and its challenges. What is the organizations domain? (10 points needed) Organization: * The Fit Stop is a new franchise opening in four months. * The Fit Stop will sell all types of training, fitness conditioning and exercise equipment to the general public * The Fit Stop plans to specialize beyond equipment to provide customers with personalized advice geared to customer’s specific training/conditioning needs * It will be starting out with stores in major cities in Ontario and in four western provinces – with plans of expanding to Quebec†¦show more content†¦* The business does not expect to make a profit for a least one year or maybe even two Lack of Experience: * Although the owner has great ideas towards the business, it appears that this is where her main focus is. * The owner has not defined what she will be receiving for investments in wages, salaries and benefits * The owner feels the safest thing to do is to use the same compensation systems as her competitors. This may or may not work because: * The success or failure of â€Å"The Fit Stop’s† reward system depends on how well it fits the organizational context and total organizational system. It is highly unlikely these aspects will be the same as herShow MoreRelatedThe Fit Stop2266 Words   |  10 PagesDetermine your compensation values Step 4 Design your performance pay and indirect pay plans Step 5 Implement, manage, evaluate, and adapt the compensation system Each step is just one part of the total organizational system, each part must fit with and support the other parts. There are three variable patterns into which these parts can be arranged, each pattern represents one type of managerial strategy. Each managerial strategy then relies on a different reward and compensation strategyRead MoreFinancial Planning During Economic Crisis1571 Words   |  7 Pagesprovide. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

China Free Essays

In my opinion theses terms would be ‘national’ and ;corporate’ culture, along with cross-cultural differences. Even within a culture there are many groupings and levels that are present within each Individuals mental outlook. These include cultural layers such as, national culture, regional culture, gender, generation, social as well as corporate culture. We will write a custom essay sample on China or any similar topic only for you Order Now I will touch on these all very briefly In the main body of my essay but concentrate mainly on the national and corporate layers of culture. (www. Tama. Du) National Culture can be described as, † The result from one nation attributing characteristics to another, which can exult In stereotyping and prejudice. National culture needs to take account of differences In the groups and communities which all contribute to national culture. † (www. Pearson. Co. UK) If stereotyping and prejudice are occurring in the workplace this can have many detrimental effects on employees and their motivation or ability to work as part of the organization. Will pay more attention to how this could possibly affect business success later on In the essay. Corporate culture can be described, † The basic assumptions and beliefs held by employees about the organization they work for. (www. USC. Com) Corporate culture will affect the Interaction between diverse groupings within the workplace and like national culture, is very likely to have and effect on how the workforce perform. I am going to start the main body of my essay providing an outline of the concept of national culture and move on to the concepts of corporate culture, before comparing all firms are going to view success in the same way and ways can vary differently from firm to firm. For clarity I will touch on how different firms could view the term ‘being successful’ and measuring their own success. I will then look at what those aspects that may be considered as a cross-cultural difference and how these factors are going to impede the organization’s success. Finishing with a few basic ideas on how to avoid the problems brought about by cross-cultural differences and how to manage these to become a potentially more successful organization. Finally I am going to conclude on any findings from my research and in a short summary, link those findings back to the essay title. A national culture attributes certain specific characteristics from one nation to another. This can be in the from of stereotyping and grouping all members of a action together in the same way. An example of national culture could be that the British drink far too much and have a tendency to become violent, giving rise to hooliganism especially in the context of football. To tarnish all football fans with this presentment would be incorrect as only a small minority are responsible for causing the trouble. On the other hand corporate culture refers to an individuals own personal views concerning the organization they are working for. These views and ideas are likely to be brought about from the employees own experiences in the workplace and are robbery going to vary and change over time as they work for the organization. The difference between national and organizational or corporate culture would be that national culture is more associated with the nation as a whole and less about the individuals ideas. Where as corporate culture deals more with the individuals personal outlook on things concerning the work environment. The prejudice that comes with national culture may be forced upon the individual which is not the case for corporate culture, which allows the individual to build up beliefs through their past experiences. (wry. Tama. Du) With globalization becoming a much more common factor to consider for many businesses, this poses the problem of cross-cultural differences as barriers that have to be overcome if the firm is to stand the best chance of being successful. Globalization can have huge benefits for a firm’s success if it is carried out in the right way and attention is paid to details such as cultural differences. However the firm could end up paying heavily if they over look the importance and significance of cross-cultural differences for the employees they are working with. Cross-cultural differences may include such issues as the communication used and ethos of transferring information between cultures and departments, the of solving the same problem, also the area within the organization over which any information is dispersed. Www. Tapping. Com) The problem if communication between cultures is a tough one, as the same gestures is likely to have different meanings in different areas and cultures. A good example of this would be the fact that in Bulgaria shaking your head up and down means no rather the side to side in many other places. Along with gestures, words and phrases can have different meanings which could cause confu sion when carrying out business across cultural lines. Also different cultures make different assumptions when faced with the same situation. In international projects these differences could make or break the outcome from the start if processes and agreements are not clear to both cultural sides. Miscommunication is thought of as the largest cross-cultural barrier that has to be overcome by an organization, to achieve potential success. (www. Tapping. Com) The above problems would be made more aware at the national culture level but it is important not to forget the cross-cultural differences will still be occurring at the organizational or corporate level. These differences are mentioned below. An organization is unlikely to be structured in exactly the same way if set up in more than one country and this is going to affect the way in which day to day tasks are carried out in different places. Such things as distributing power and information throughout departments in the workplace are very varied in different countries. An example of this would be the way in which information is passed through a firm in Germany compared to that of an American firm. The German firm is likely to keep information within set departments and only inform those who need to know. Whereas as an American firm is likely to move information across departments more freely. (www. Tapping. Com) When talking about success in business there can be many interpretations and people will view success differently. Especially in different cultures when looking at the emphasis that is put on financial success it is clear to see it varies greatly. A good example of this would be the different outlooks between the Chinese and American culture. America places business as it’s main priority with success being seen as achieving wealth. Economics are put first in the American outlook and the culture is very individual based. This places large emphasis on financial gain as being the measurement success. (www. Venturesome. Com) This differs from the Chinese outlook with China placing emphasis on building relationships and respect is given for wisdom and ability. This is not to say that China view no success in financial gain, as this is the baseline for business activity. (www. Venturesome. Mom) Schneider and Barbour state how, â€Å"each country has its unique institutional and point, only to become liabilities when the environment changes. Managers therefore need to evaluate the extent to which national culture can interfere with their many†¦ † (Mullions ’07) This shows that if national culture is nurtured in the correct fashion by management then it can most certainly be advantageous to a businessâ⠂¬â„¢ success. However the flip side to this could be that if nurtured incorrectly projects undertaken are likely to be unsuccessful. It is proving to be a very important issue that has to be looked at and approached with care by managed as in the United States the Department of Labor released statistics showing how between 1985 and 2000 only around 15% of new entrants into the workforce in the USA were white males. This obviously shows Just how diverse he workforce is becoming and how much of an important factor culture in the workplace is for management. For all businesses success is determined by reaching corporate goals and objectives. Those goals and objectives are very likely to vary between different organizations and could be anything from breaking into a new market and merely surviving at first, to reaching set profits or targets in their current market. Avoiding the problem of cross-cultural differences can greatly help the organization to achieve success. For this to be done attention to those details mentioned above must be taken (communication etc. The main problem for firms may be confusion in communication methods, by paying fine attention to this any confusion can be reduced. Removing confusion can be done by, clarifying what is expected, removing general details, summarizing information and decisions as well as simplifying any language used. (www. Tapping. Com) In summary, when looking at the differences between national and corporate culture, it is easy to see that national culture refers to a much larger and impersonal outlook towards a nation, where as corporate culture is more about the individuals feelings towards their employer based on experience. Cross-cultural differences can include such things as communication and information sharing within an organization and how these are carried out. How to cite China, Papers China Free Essays China Free Essays

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Business Strategy Ticktock Watches

Question: Discuss about the Business Strategy Ticktock Watches. Answer: How would you use differentiation strategy to increase the customer base? Differentiation strategy is a business level strategy that allows the product or the brand to differentiate its benefit and the value proposition for the competitors. Differentiation strategy is important to compete in the market because it provides a distinct place for the product in the customers mind (Vasconcellos e Sa, Olao and Pereira 2011). In case of Ticktock Industries, two types of differentiation strategies will be most suitable to increase the customer base. The first is the Tangible differentiation strategy and the second is the intangible differentiation strategy. Differentiation strategy for Ticktock watch Market differentiation strategy is associated with several aspect of the product that is important to create consumer value. Therefore to develop the differentiation strategy of the company it is very important to understand that what are the differentiation opportunities in the market and what is the perspective that influence the differentiation to develop the strategy. Differentiation opportunities Figure 1: Differentiation opportunities for Ticktock watch company in the global market (Source: created by author) Differentiation opportunities of Ticktock clock are categorized in two segments, one is the tangible opportunities, the other is the intangible opportunities, and both are important because customers will measure from both the aspect (Lii, Wu and Ding 2013). Tangible opportunities In earlier time, wristwatch was one of the basic needs of every individual to measure and understand the time because that time there was no other option that can measure time. After the introduction of mobile phone, need of wristwatch has changed from basic, need to esteem need. Therefore, to sustain in this market it is very important to change the direction of business with tangible changes in the product (Verganti 2013). The company should meet the appearance of the product with premium brand. The lighter watch is more preferable by the premium customer therefore, it is very important to reduce the weight to differentiate form others. Premium brands are always stands for durability therefore there is opportunity to increase the durability of the product by improving material and technology. Intangible opportunities To sell wristwatch to a premium customer intangible factors become the most influential substance because of the awareness. In recent time the consumer of the wristwatch has changed their taste and wearing it for style. Ticktock has to enhance their brand value in such a way so that they their customer feel respectable after wearing it. There is a huge opportunity lying with the brand to enhance the brand status to differentiate. If the company is able to reduce the cost of production then they will be able to differentiate by price also (Rosenbaum-Elliott, Percy and Pervan 2015). Differentiation perspective Figure 2: Differentiation perspective of Ticktock Industries for their wristwatch (Source: Chen and Huang 2015) In the segment of wristwatch, many companies are operating their business in the global market with similar kind of product however; each brand has uniqueness in their marketing strategy. Ticktock is the largest manufacturer of wristwatch in China and they have good global exposure of their brand (Singh and Khan 2012). The company has good brand reputation however the brand is mostly popular among the aged customer therefore Ticktock is unable to capture the large market of young population. To increase the market share Ticktock industries has to enhance the perception of their brand value by offering social status to the customer. Through the help of advertisement, perception will change among the customer, which will increase the demand. In such case, the company should change the perception of supply to keep the demand in the market (Hoffmann and Coste-Manire 2011). Proposed differentiation strategy Figure 3: Proposed differentiation strategy for Ticktock Industries (Source: Created by author) The proposed differentiation strategy of Ticktock watch is divided in four areas for the implementation that are discussed below. Differentiation by user experience The first step to differentiate the product is to enhance the user experience of the product. If the product is lighter with bigger dial then the preference of the customer will increase. Apart from that company has to make watch that is completely water resistance in any situation with heat resistant. This kind of feature will allow user to use it in any situation with any fear by enhancing the user experience (Rangasamy 2011). Differentiation by looks The brand is preferred by the aged person, which means it lack in style. Company has to increase the design making it more stylish to attract the young customer. The stylish design should include modernization with trendy looks to achieve the differentiation effect. Differentiation by price Differentiation through price is important for the brand that should maintain the class lower than the premium and higher than the average brand. This will influence the young customers, as they always want to enhance their status (Bashutkina 2015). Differentiation by quality Differentiating through quality is most important because it will create the long-term brand value for the company. Implementing good material and superior technology will help to differentiate the brand in the market (Anjum 2011). Technological superiority will provide the maximum benefit to the company to differentiate their brand as one of the premium quality with affordability for the young earning generation. Explain the segmentation of the watch market and how you would target different customers. The market segmentation strategy of the company is associated with the four subclasses because this product is not going to sell to every customer. The company is trying to enhance the looks, quality and user experience within affordable price therefore the segmentation of the Ticktock market should include Demographic, Psychographic, Behavioral and Geographical segmentation (Wu and Zhang 2012). Figure 4: Market segmentation of Ticktock wristwatch (Source: Wedel and Kamakura 2012) Demographic segmentation Demographic segmentation of Tictock Company is very important because they already have the preference of aged persons only. Therefore, Tickrock Company has to segment the market according to the age consisting between 15 to 25, 25 to 45, 45 to 55 and above. This type of segmentation will help the company to differentiate the design of the clock according to the age. The segmentation of 15 to 25 will consist most stylish design that attract youth. For 25 to 45 segment will have style with classic because this age group prefers the classical stylish design (Wolmarans 2012). The aged class will get the classical looks. Apart from that under the demographic segmentation, social class is also an important factor. Psychographic segmentation To enhance the brand status it is very important to enhance the brand image. Psychographic segmentation will help to attend the objective of this segmentation. Lifestyle and personality is the base of this segmentation. Persons preferring gadgets to enhance their lifestyle and personality comes under this class. Most of the young population and earning groups poses this mentality (Birindelli 2012). The premium customer with lot of wealth also prefers to enhance their lifestyle through branded gadgets. Therefore, psychographic segmentation is very important to enhance the brand value of the product. Current perception of the product and the current marketing activity will help to bring change within the customer. Therefore, it is important to segment those customers who are psychologically vulnerable (Brondoni 2014). This kind of group always tries new things and help to enhance the market share. Behavioral segmentation Behavioral segmentation is associated with the several benefit and habit of occasion within a particular culture. Most of the premium watches customer first prefers the features of the product that will provide benefit to their life. Looks is also one of that benefit. In many countries, people wear valuable wristwatches in several occasions. Therefore, the product has the both preference of benefit and occasion. Segmentation of benefit and segmentation of occasion is very different but both come under the behavioral segmentation (Buza, Luterbacher and Sennhauser 2012). Benefit is the influence for the technology lovers and persons who prefer to wear watches in occasion prefer the looks of the watch. Geographical segmentation Geographic segmentation is also important for the company because right product will sell to the right customer. Customers are located in different areas and their preference changes across the geographic location due to the cultural, social and economical aspect. Wristwatch is highly preferred by the population of the developed country because they use it as the gadget and the style statement (Jeannerat and Crevoisier 2014). Therefore, geographic segmentation will help to understand the market in a better way and place the product in the right area. Availability of the product is also an important aspect of the company because once the product is available across the globe customers will start to show the preference towards the brand. Target market segment strategy The target market of Ticktock is associated with the market needs, market trends and market growth. Due to the use of Smartphone need of wristwatch has eliminated from the basic need therefore wristwatch is selling in the segment of lifestyle need. Therefore, the target customers of the company are young age persons who want to enhance their social status through the help of different gadgets. The primary target market of the company is the young age because these markets remain untapped by them and most the wristwatch consumer belongs to the age of 20 to 45 years of age. The company will target the age group within 15 to 25 with the most stylish look that are different from the common brand (Min 2016). The stylish look will have uniqueness with limited edition. For 25 to 45 years of age prefer style with classic design therefore this age group is targeted with classical stylish design. The aged class will be targeted with the classical looks. The current trend of the market is getting the preference of the college students and young earning group. These segments use the wristwatch for their style statement. Therefore, market segment also suggesting to target this class of customer to get the proper business. Apart from that, market growth is also an indicator to suggest the target market for every product. It is better to target those markets, which are showing good growth in the recent past. Therefore the company has decided to target the market of USA, UK, UAE, Singapore, Japan, China, Korea, India and Australia because these market are showing increased customer preference for the watch segment (Kracheel, Bronzi and Kazemi 2014). Consumer preference in these markets is also changing from the average brand of wristwatch to premium brand wristwatch, which is good chance to target the market, as lot of scope is available in these markets with the price differentiation, look differentiation, feature differentiation and use r experience differentiation. How can you use product positioning in your search for gaining competitive advantage? Explain Product positioning is very important to understand the proper market of the brand and the product. Ticktock is operating their business in the wristwatch segment where customer preference always remains with the dignity of the brand in the society. After the preference of the dignity, the preference of affordability comes after, that associate the economy class of people. Every class of people tries to buy those products that are premium as compared to his current position (Rawassizadeh, Price and Petre 2015). Therefore, Ticktock has lot of opportunity to place their brand in such a way that is nearer to the position of premium class but with the price hike just above affordability. Such positioning of the brand will help to associate more number of customers with their brand. Middle class has the highest user of wristwatch throughout the globe therefore, it is important to position the band in such way so that they get the maximum attraction in terms of price and brand value. Figure 5: Product positioning of Ticktock Industries in the global market (Source: Created by author) Ticktock has planned to position their brand in such a way that will remain low inn price as shown in the graph however; the brand value of the product will remain in the higher side. Most importantly, the brand of the product is associated with the higher brand value. This type of product helps to grab the middle class and upper class market very quickly. The reason behind this positioning is the affordability of the brand that will attract more number of customers. The better material and technology will promise the best value for money for the customer and give a feel of premium quality product (Tajeddini 2013). This type of brand positioning enhances the competitiveness of the brand that also helps to increase the competitive advantage in the market. Brand positioning enhancing the competitive advantage Enhanced user experience Ticktock has to establish their brand in such a way that provide enhanced user experience that will differentiate them to increase the competitive advantage in the market. If Ticktock is able to provide the lighter weight material that will reduce the weight them customer will become happier. The advantage of water and heat resistant is also need to enhance that provides flexibility to the customer to use it in any situation without any hesitation (Anwar 2012). Durable If Ticktock is able to use best material for the product then it can obviously position as one of the most durable brand in the wristwatch segment. Durability is very important to the premium as well as to the middle class customer because they measure the quality of the product through this. If the product is durable then it can compete in the segment of premium wristwatch by enhancing the competitive advantage as compared to the customer. Superior technology Technology is the most important part to gain the competitive advantage in the market. The company belongs to one such country that is highly superior inn technology. Therefore, Ticktock has to introduce some latest technology in the wristwatch segment that will enhance the user experience. Along with time if the watch is able to provide the current temperature then it will add extra benefit to the consumer. Therefore, to position the brand in the superior position is very important to enhance the competitive advantage. Technology implementation can also enhance the automatic update of time and in different time zone, which will be a added benefit to the traveler class. These kinds of features will always increase the competitive advantage, as they are not offering the same service to the customer (Kanagal 2014). Affordable price The brand positioning is highly associated with the price because market is highly sensitive to this factor.ref Most of the time good brands remain out of reach from the middle class customer. Therefore, if Ticktock is able to produce such brand that is superior in quality but affordable in price then it will get the maximum advantage in the market. To gain the competitive advantage pricing will be done that is lower than the premium brand because market trend is also changing. Customers are preferring the affordable price with same features like premium brand (Pradhan 2012). Therefore, pricing strategy of the company will also help to enhance the competitive advantage in the market. Better features Better features is the objective of every brand and they should improve it in a continuous basis to increase the competitive advantage in the market. Better features mean that better quality that provides better benefit to the customer. Technological improvement should make a continuous effort to enhance the product quality that adds values to the user experience. If the user are getting better product each time then they will also upgrade their self. This type of strategy will help to increase the market share in short term and business outcome will increase (Lii, Wu and Ding 2013). The loyalty of the customer also increases in this strategy, which also enhances the competitive advantage in the market. Stylish look The previous design of the brand is associated with the classical looks only that have built the customer base among the aged population. The company has established their brand as one of the durable and well-featured brand in the wristwatch segment. The only thing is the design that keeps away the young customer. Therefore, to enhance the competitive advantage in the market and to attract the young population it is very important to change the design of the product (Bashutkina 2015). Good-looking trendy and stylish design will help to attract the young customer that will help to enhance the market share by many times, because it will add a different set of customer suddenly. Gaining competitive advantage is very important for every brand therefore above strategy of Ticktok company will also help the organization to increase the competitive advantage because it will offer affordability with good features and design. The current market trend is also suggesting that consumer preference is towards those brands that are offering low price with every features of the premium brand. Therefore, it is expected that with this strategy implementation Ticktock will also gain descent market share with good growth as compared to the past record. Reference List Anjum, M., 2011. Strengthening Financial Position through Profit Maximisation a Study on Controllable Factors Via Indian Wrist Watch Industry.Asian Journal of Management,2(2), pp.77-80. Anwar, S.T., 2012. Selling time: swatch group and the global watch industry.Thunderbird International Business Review,54(5), pp.747-762. Bashutkina, M., 2015, June. Art Of Invention: Marketing Strategies For Independent Luxury Watch Brands. In2015 Global Fashion Management Conference at Florence(pp. 142-151). Birindelli, F.G., 2012. Luxury business: Multinational organizations and global specializations. InLuxury Strategy in Action(pp. 22-36). Palgrave Macmillan UK. Brondoni, S.M., 2014. Innovation and Imitation for Global Competitive Strategies. The Corporation Development Models of US, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan.Symphonya. 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Using grounded theory to model market orientation experiences at practice.International Journal of Business Excellence,6(5), pp.553-571. Vasconcellos e S, J.A., Olo, F. and Pereira, M., 2011. From Levitt to the global age: one more time, how do we define our business?.Management Decision,49(1), pp.99-115. Verganti, R., 2013.Design driven innovation: changing the rules of competition by radically innovating what things mean. Harvard Business Press. Wolmarans, M., 2012.An assessment of the watch market in the Gulf Cooperation Council, with a view to develop a model for entering a new brand in this market(Doctoral dissertation). Wu, J. and Zhang, X., 2012. Can a Chinese Domestic Brand Flourish in the Luxury Watch Market in China? The success of FIYTA.World,2(7). Wedel, M. and Kamakura, W.A., 2012.Market segmentation: Conceptual and methodological foundations(Vol. 8). Springer Science Business Media. Chen, F. and Huang, J., 2015. A Study on the Degree of Product Differentiation of the Platform and the Pricing Strategy in Two-sided Markets.Review of Industrial Economics,2, p.002.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Attaining Knowledge despite Bias and Selection Essays

Attaining Knowledge despite Bias and Selection Essays Attaining Knowledge despite Bias and Selection Essay Attaining Knowledge despite Bias and Selection Essay Name: Course: Lecturer: Date: Attaining Knowledge despite Bias and Selection Knowledge refers to the information that a person has, which is acquired through learning, perception or experience. People usually gain knowledge through studying. Some people may argue that this is biased learning, since they do not have a choice concerning what they are learning. They enter into an education system, which has already been designed and selected for them. They therefore, have no choice but to study what they are taught. Knowledge goes through a process of selection, whereby some of the elements, which do not succeed the various tests that are applied to them, are eliminated, and those which succeed are retained (Geisler, 169). Human beings naturally choose what they want to learn. The idea that they have a choice in the matter, gives them the will they need to study. Bias means preference or favor towards a particular thing. Selection means carefully choosing someone or something that seems most suitable. Bias and selection have influenced the information that peop le acquire. I will argue that it is possible to acquire knowledge despite bias and selection by examining history and art. My knowledge claim in history is that it is possible to attain knowledge despite bias and selection. Personally, I think that history is the main political events and structural changes that are especially linked to human affairs. History continues to permeate the society because human beings have the ability to record past events. Bias and selection play a crucial role in this case, since in most cases, people have to depend on memory to record the events. History is biased since not all the events that occurred at a particular time are recorded. Whoever records the events will choose, which accounts he or she considers important to record, and will omit other accounts that seem insignificant. Some of the examples of history include the French Revolution, the shooting of John F. Kennedy, World War I and II, the fall of the Berlin Wall, and the recent account of 9/11. All the events have several things in common. They all happened in the past, they have had a significant impact on ma ny people, and in our country, they have all been documented, they all have different interpretations, they all affected significant people, and they are all traced to a single event. In addition, these events had a significant impact, and they carried heavy consequences, thus they were documented. Art is one of the most difficult terms to define because it has a broad meaning. It has various forms such as visual forms, music and literature. It means different things to different communities. Even people within the same community may differ concerning the true definition of art. The study of art that was created many years ago has revealed certain aspects of the society during the time. It has enabled people to know the culture, traditions, beliefs and practices of the people that lived in a particular time. This is represented in various art forms. A person can attain a lot of knowledge by observing different pieces of art from different periods in history. For instance, there is a clear difference between medieval, renaissance and classical art. By observing the art made by the medieval artists, one learns that religion was more prevalent in the society. The artists were more reserved in the sense that the figures in the paintings were fully clothed. Artists in the renaissanc e period were different, in that they had more freedom. The figures in the paintings were either nude or clothed. They explored the secular as well as the religious worlds. The artists were more interested in nature than in religion. Some of the famous artists during the time included Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo My counterclaim is that the knowledge gained from art and history is not accurate and therefore it cannot be trusted. Historians usually record the historical events using information from different sources. This information can sometimes be misleading in the sense that different authors can have conflicting information. They also choose to record the information that seems most relevant to them. For instance, most history books record the victory of kings and presidents in war. They do not mention all the people who were involved in the war. One cannot trust the information from different art sources. This is especially the case in visual forms of art and literature, where the artists usually use their imagination liberally to create different forms of art. In some cases, it is not possible to separate the reality from the fiction. The interpretation of history and art depends on a person’s interpretation. This can be affected by the person’s perception, emotions, reas oning or language. History that is learnt through books will depend on the perception of the writer. It is possible for two people to be present when one event is happening, but they will record different accounts of the events later. They have different perceptions concerning the event, and they will therefore record what they consider relevant and important. In the same way, a piece of art will depend on the artist’s perception when creating the art. Artists do not just paint or do other forms of artwork just because someone has asked them to do so. They will instead choose to specialize on the type of art that they are most comfortable with, and they will perfect it. Some people write fictional works of art such as novels. These novels depend entirely on the perception of the writer. The main argument concerning historical events is that they tend to have many different interpretations. People tend to trust the documented accounts since they were not present when these particular events were happening. Emotion can be a problem when interpreting history. People are controlled by their emotions despite the evidence presented. This is especially the case when the subject is controversial or sensitive. Emotions are important in the interpretation of art and history. People have different emotions when they see acquire knowledge concerning an area that affects them personally. For instance, Jews are more emotional than others are when they remember the holocaust. African Americans react strongly when they read about slavery. Time also determines how people react. For instance, many historical events, especially those that happened many years ago do not affect me the same way as recent historical events. This is mainly because I have had the chance to experience the recent historical events. For instance, the 9/11 event affected me deeply when it happened more than the Pearl Harbor. Though both events were tragic and significant, I related more to the 9/11 event more than the Pearl Harbo r. Time is therefore, an important determinant when interpreting history, as it makes the events more realistic and significant to me. Some people interpret history and art based on reason. They want to understand the reason why things happened the way they did. They want to understand why an artist chose to do his or her work in a certain manner. They will therefore develop theories and arguments that will help them understand more. This has led many to interpret various art forms based on the intention of the artists. This can sometimes be misleading since in some cases-such as when the artists are dead-it is not possible to know what the artists’ intentions were. Language affects our thinking process, in the sense that our thoughts are limited by our language. A person cannot think in a language that he or she does not understand. Language is an important part of history, as it is used to document historical records. People think in their native language, and this may present a problem in interpretation. In some cases, historical books are written in English, and the full meaning of the work is lost if translated to another language. This is because some English words do not have an equal meaning in other languages. Some languages do not have the right terms or phrases to use to describe a particular art form. Despite the shortcomings of language, it is essential to understand that something does not stop existing just because it does not have a name in a specific language. Meaning is a fundamental concept of knowledge. I do not think that a person can get any knowledge if he or she does not understand the meaning of something. The meaning of a piece of art is more subjective, since it depends on the viewers’ perception. Meaning in art, is the main determinant of the reaction and the response to art. A person will respond based on what a particular piece of art means to them. We are able to know of the historical events that happened because they have been documented in historical texts by many different authors. Although the records are biased, they enable us to attain knowledge. This is enabled by the fact that people are able to read different accounts that happened from different authors. They are thus able to note some of the similarities in the texts. Artists create their works through imagination and reality (Worth). Their environment and their imagination are their main inspiration. This means that viewers of different forms of art have to be careful when observing different pieces of art. They have to separate imagination from reality. Over the years, many people have acquired knowledge from looking at different pieces of art. The different art forms have enabled them to know different things concerning the era the piece of art was created. It is therefore possible to attain knowledge using history and art despite bias and selection.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Free Essays on Ode On A Grecian Urn And Its Historical Symbolism

â€Å"Ode on a Grecian Urn† and Its Historical Symbolism" In the poem â€Å"Ode on a Grecian Urn† the urn is symbolic of history itself. True, every line of the poem paints a picture of a concrete item, but the pictures themselves are historical, and tell the stories of gods and deities, men and maidens, struggles and war, even love and death. Therefore, the urn itself is both physically and symbolically a representation of history. The urn is a quiet item, much like history. It sits in its place until moved, or in the case of history, told. The urn, sitting silently, is also easily overlooked and forgotten, much like a foster child, and just like history which may be remembered for a little while, eventually fades into the background, â€Å"Thou foster-child of silence and slow time.† (2) Keats even directly refers to the urn as a historian, â€Å"Sylvan historian, who canst thus express; /A flowery tale more sweetly than our rhyme.† (3-4) further emphasizing my claim. Melodies heard by the ear are sweet, but those heard by the heart are even sweeter. With history it is the same. We see history happening every day, but it’s the untold stories, the situations that change our lives that mean the most to us. This is emphasized in the lines, Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard Are sweeter; therefore, ye soft pipes, play on; Not to the sensual ear, but more endeared, Pipe to the spirit ditties of no tone: (11-14) One of the tales told most often in history is the story of love. Keats dedicates several lines of the poem to love. He also touches on the unchanging tides of history, â€Å"Fair youth, beneath the trees, though canst not leave,† (15) as well as death and the loss of love, â€Å"yet, do not grieve; /She cannot fade, though thou has not thy bliss† (18-19) At this point, Keats takes on a more morbid tone, further emphasizing death and yet proclaiming immortality. Forever panting, and forever young... Free Essays on Ode On A Grecian Urn And Its Historical Symbolism Free Essays on Ode On A Grecian Urn And Its Historical Symbolism â€Å"Ode on a Grecian Urn† and Its Historical Symbolism" In the poem â€Å"Ode on a Grecian Urn† the urn is symbolic of history itself. True, every line of the poem paints a picture of a concrete item, but the pictures themselves are historical, and tell the stories of gods and deities, men and maidens, struggles and war, even love and death. Therefore, the urn itself is both physically and symbolically a representation of history. The urn is a quiet item, much like history. It sits in its place until moved, or in the case of history, told. The urn, sitting silently, is also easily overlooked and forgotten, much like a foster child, and just like history which may be remembered for a little while, eventually fades into the background, â€Å"Thou foster-child of silence and slow time.† (2) Keats even directly refers to the urn as a historian, â€Å"Sylvan historian, who canst thus express; /A flowery tale more sweetly than our rhyme.† (3-4) further emphasizing my claim. Melodies heard by the ear are sweet, but those heard by the heart are even sweeter. With history it is the same. We see history happening every day, but it’s the untold stories, the situations that change our lives that mean the most to us. This is emphasized in the lines, Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard Are sweeter; therefore, ye soft pipes, play on; Not to the sensual ear, but more endeared, Pipe to the spirit ditties of no tone: (11-14) One of the tales told most often in history is the story of love. Keats dedicates several lines of the poem to love. He also touches on the unchanging tides of history, â€Å"Fair youth, beneath the trees, though canst not leave,† (15) as well as death and the loss of love, â€Å"yet, do not grieve; /She cannot fade, though thou has not thy bliss† (18-19) At this point, Keats takes on a more morbid tone, further emphasizing death and yet proclaiming immortality. Forever panting, and forever young...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

American history between 1607 and 1800 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

American history between 1607 and 1800 - Essay Example n, this brief analysis will consider the effect that the Seven Years War and the subsequent revenue acts of the mid to late 1760s had on congealing an anti-Imperial tone within the American populace; a tone that necessarily and ultimately gave way to feelings of outright rage and hatred for the ruling British and the extent to which the American colonies saw themselves as extensions of this power. By way of such an analysis, it is the hope of this author that the reader/researcher can come to a more clear and definitive understanding of why the colonial forces believed they could challenge the British and what preliminary aspects of interaction helped to bolster this type of courage. The Seven Years War, or alternatively the French – Indian War as it was referred to in the colonies, was a period of conflict that actually spanned 8 years and affected almost all of the European powers, the North American colonies, as well as the Caribbean, India, the Philippines, and parts of Africa. As such, it paved the way for the introduction of a very high level of debt within the European system as a function of the fact that the war was so extraordinarily expensive and at that time budgets had to be balanced prior to moving on. As such, it necessitated the institution of an array of taxation on the colonies as well as the home nations involved. Although it may be seen as convenient by many American historians to view the colonies as shouldering an unreasonable percentage of the debt from the Seven Years War, this is entirely not the case.1 Rather, all of Britain’s possessions had taxes levied against them as it was the crown’s understanding that all com ponent parts of the Empire must share in the debt that the Empire had accrued by means of ensuring its continued existence. As a function of this, all of the British territories, holdings, and Imperial possessions had taxes, duties, and other revenue mechanisms affixed to rapidly seek to pay down the debt through

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Personal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Personal - Essay Example When I reflect at the most touching sights I have had in my life, one that particularly comes to my mind is the first time I saw a cow feeding the calf her milk. In my childhood, I was very fond of pets. Whenever I happened to make it to my town, I spent hours playing with the hens and the ducks. My uncle had kept that cow and the calf in the town. I noticed that the cow fed upon the grass while the calf did not. When I asked my uncle the reason, he said it was so because the cow had teeth while the calf did not. He drew the calf’s mouth open to show me that the calf instead had a gum-plate without teeth in the mouth’s top where the cow had teeth. Then I saw the cow feeding the calf. Although I was quite touched then, but was too little and probably, uneducated also to realize what had made the cow feed the calf. The cow’s responsibility towards the calf was an outcome of the relation between the two. I had several questions in my mind; Who taught the cow to feed the calf and the calf to suck the milk from the cow’s breast? Who was careful enough to put the milk in the cow’s breast for the calf since it didn’t have teeth of its own to chew the grass? Following the cosmological arguments that every phenomenon has a cause for its occurrence, I realized that there is somebody who put milk in the cow’s breast so that the calf would not stay unfed. There is somebody who made the cow responsible enough to share her body with the calf. There is somebody who put love between the two. And there is somebody who nurtured the cow to the level that she had fully developed teeth while the calf had not. And that somebody is God. Concluding, my critical analysis of the relation between the cow and the calf and all aspects of it was fundamentally an outcome of the cosmological arguments that made part of my studies in the high school. I found answers to my questions using my critical analysis and

Monday, November 18, 2019

New discoveries in physiology in last 5 years Research Paper

New discoveries in physiology in last 5 years - Research Paper Example Recent studies are exploring ribosome biogenesis’ role in inflammatory pathologies that include cancer (Blalock et al., 2014) and how dysregulated rRNA synthesis could contribute to or be a product of malignant cellular changes (Nguyen et al., 2015). Studying ribosome biogenesis and its dynamics and effects on malignant tumors can improve the understanding of cancer cell proliferation and may lead to more precise treatments/therapies for cancer (Blalock et al., 2014; Nguyen et al., 2015; Penzo et al., 2015). Ribosome biogenesis involves multiple steps, including rRNA transcription, development of pre-rRNA transcripts towards maturity, gathering of preribosomes, and RNA processing into mature ribosomes (Nguyen et al., 2015). Ribosomal DNA (rDNA) goes through the transcribing of the RNA polymerase I (Pol I) into a 47 S rRNA precursor, which later becomes processed and turns into 18 S, 5.8S, and 28 S mature rRNAs (Nguyen et al., 2015). rDNA becomes multicopy genes in arrays, wherein the number of active genes in any specific time has epigenetic regulations (Nguyen et al., 2015). Furthermore, various cellular signaling pathways connected to cell growth impact the activity of proteins that are in charge of rRNA transcription and which can be co-opted through the oncogenic processes (Nguyen et al., 2015). The following studies provide novel discoveries about the genetic expressions of different kinds of cancers. Nguyen et al. (2015) studied the epigenetic and the post-transcriptional mechanisms that may give some explanation on how dysregulated rRNA synthesis could influence or be a product of malignant transformation. They learned from their studies that Akt has a function in pre-rRNA synthesis. Their findings and other research showed that the pro-cell survival PI3K/Akt axes are similarly connected to and may cause

Friday, November 15, 2019

Importance Of Marketing In Todays World Marketing Essay

Importance Of Marketing In Todays World Marketing Essay Introduction: According to the American Marketing Association marketing is defined as activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large'(American Marketing Assocation, 2007). Drucker states the aim of marketing is to make selling superfluous (American Marketing Association, 2007). By keeping the above definitions in view we can say that to identify customers needs and act accordingly to satisfy their needs is called marketing. The aim of this report is to develop an understanding of marketing concepts, use and apply it to Marks Spencer (MS) in order to understand the role and significance of marketing. Importance of Marketing in todays World: Due to Economic downturn marketing has gained importance in past few years in order to gain the attention of the consumers.In 21st century marketing has become one of the key strategies used by organisations world wide. Companies can not use one simple marketing strategy which meets the need of both markets and consumers because they are so versatile to be dealt collectively this is because of continues change in modern society. Cultural changes and advancements in technology divided a market into so many segments.In order for MS to capture large market share it has to set up successful market strategies and make the most of technology. MS Marketing Process: In the past and the present MS proved to be successful to meet its consumers continuously changing needs by effectively implementing marketing processes. Following are the four stages which helped MS to understand fulfil its customers requirements. Situational Analysis: In this stage of marketing process companies like MS keep both internal and external environment in view to carry out the market place analysis and try to spot gaps in the market. In addition to identifying the customer needs, must understand its own capabilities and the environment in which it is operating (NetMBA, 2007). This stage is very vital as the rival companies such as Tesco and Waitrose are always coming up with new ideas and new products etc so that they can stay ahead in the competition. In SWOT analysis this rapidly changing marketing environment comes under the heading of threat. Marketing Strategy: By keeping the core purpose of this report in view, the major change in approach which has been seen in the companies is the shift from mass marketing approach to target marketing. In target marketing approach companies try to identify trends in the segmented market as its the one of the most important factor in STP. Segmentation There are two main types of segmentation i.e. geographic and demographic segmentation. The later one is used by MS to target market for its products and it recognizes its consumers by social class , income and age which is very crucial for success in todays world e.g. clothing line is divided into three segments i.e. premium price, medium priced, and low price. MS customer segmentation is also divided in following 4 groups (Carbon commentary, 2007): Green zealots: people who will actively seek out the most ethically and environmentally responsible products. Climate change is particularly important issue to these people. Those interested and concerned, but often uncertain how to shop to achieve their ethical objectives. Aware of the problem, not certain that their actions can have much effect or that they need to shop differently. Struggling, dont give priority to issues. Targeting: DAMP (distinct, accessible, measurable and profitable) process is used by MS to understand, identify and target the required segments of the market. According to the marketing director , Steven Sharp , although we sell to everybody big, small, young, black, white our absolute target market is a bit older and is comfortable with traditional media (Telegraph, 2006). It means that MS targets, offers (products and services) and sells to a large market but mainly to a mature age group. Positioning: The From this it can be seen that MS targets a very large audience, but the key here is to target the mature age group way that an audience of consumers or buyers perceive a product or service (Baines, P. Fill, C. Page, K., 2008, pg.251). This definition of positioning means that perception has a great deal of importance in terms of both physical attributes and the deliverance of a product. MSs market research information provides a key analytical tool in identifying a consumers preference. MS and the Consumer Society: A consumer society is a culture in which consumption of material goods is encouraged, and the economic health of the society is dependent on the spending of the population (Xaxx, 2010). Basically in consumer society companies make the consumers feel that they need specific product in their life so here marketing plays an important role in terms of attracting consumers to buy a specific product.MS should be very careful in terms of fulfilling consumers expectations regarding price, convenience and experience as a whole because consumers behaviour is seen to be rapidly changing. MS is advertising its products quite cleverly to its target market and persuading consumers as MS itself is a symbol of quality so whatever they sell is of high quality which has a psychological effect on the target market, persuading them to buy particular products/services they offer. Marketing is undoubtfully fashionable (Baudrillard, 1988, p.30) it means marketing is a bridge of communication in terms of both introducing products for sale in the market and letting people know how eco friendly they are, which is practiced by MS. MS is also part of fashion industry of which marketing environment is rapidly changing, by the help of PESTLE analyses we can look into that and the importance for MS to adapt these changes. PESTLE Analysis: Political, Economical, Social, Technological, Legal and Environment analysis are used to explore external environment. Political: Political factors like government policies, taxation, subsidies and grants can effect MS operations e.g. if government increases taxes then, MS have to cut their costs, which can include MS reducing expenditure on marketing. Economic: Economic factors include inflation, taxation, interest and consumer buying power etc basically it includes and affects everyone in the economy. It affects MS marketing strategy and their operation in the market. Consumer buying power means MS shift focus on their pricing strategy carefully, to attract consumers and hence boost sales. Sociological: Consumer buying behaviour and demographic are the factors involved in sociological analyses. Consumer behaviour is the main aspect of marketing, as it focuses to understand consumers preferences, habits and attitudes and then act accordingly in order to attract customers. MS being quality conscious not only try to keep up with their quality standard but also tries to improve it in their stores which they also show in their advertisements. This will have good psychological impact on consumers mind as well as they will always relate MS to quality. Technological: Advancement in technology eased out marketing for companies in 21st century. Internet proved to be one of the biggest revolutions in the field of marketing as it made communication and transfer of information effortless. Internet played a vital role in communication and transfer of information worldwide. MS is marketing its brands and products through its website which is easily accessible by the consumers basically they are one click away from buying required products/services. Legal: MS has to follow certain legalities while trading, dealing with employees and competitors and make sure that all the action they perform are legitimate in the eyes of law. Environmental: The last but not the least factor of PESTLE analyses is environment. One of the reasons behind MS success story is that they have a good organisational culture and this factor also makes a distinction from its rival firms. Marketing Mix Decision at MS: The term marketing mix became popularized after Neil H. Borden published his 1964 article, The Concept of the Marketing Mix Product: A product is defined as anything that is capable of satisfying customer needs (Baines, P. Fill, C. Page, K., 2008, pg. 15). There are three levels of product i.e. core, actual, augment. Core level proves to be the most beneficial and meaningful part of the product. Its the final product being served to the customers for example, MS jackets made from wool being served to customers as clothing to keep the warm. Whereas, the method by which a product is delivered to MS customers comes under the heading of actual product and augmented product is concerned with how the customer receives the product and also considers after-sales services. Women show their keen interest in MS thats why MS makes the most of the profit from women wear however MS still tries to enter new market by conducting market research and bringing out innovative products. Food store is a success story of MS capturing new market. Price Price is what company charges for a product to the customers. In 4ps of marketing mix for a company price is the only factor of source of income. On the other hand product, place and promotion are the cost for the company. While charging for products and services MS keeps the current market value in view. More cost based than most is the type of policy used by MS for pricing (Daily Mail, 2009) which differentiate it from its rival companies. Place Customers can purchase product from the available place. MS has over  600 stores located throughout the UK, ranging from large out-of-town and flagship stores of over 100,000 sq ft, to Simply Food stores of around 7,000 sq ft. Our largest store is located at Marble Arch on Londons Oxford Street and  has around 170,000 sq ft of selling space'(Marks Spencer, 2011). MS is very flexible in terms meeting the demands of its customers and is very carefull and successful till date.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Quest for the Good :: Essays Papers

The Quest for the Good Is the Good something concrete to be obtained, or is it a way of life unique to individuals? This question is asked most assuredly in a biased manner, directing us along a path to the answer. It raises many logical questions of how, exactly, the Good is framed, and what it means to live a good life. To do this, an understanding must be found of what exactly the Good is. The questions of how the Good is structured and what the Good is are intricately tied together, and as such both shall be explored. The most important step in terms of the Good is the quest, as shall be found, because it is only by actively seeking the Good that one can find any understanding of it. As such, the quest for the Good shall be explored in The Republic by Plato, Confessions by Saint Augustine, and Death Comes for the Archbishop by Willa Cather. These works will help give a full understanding of what the quest for the Good is, and how it is difficult to define because it is so multiplicitous. Also, an outside framework will be explored, to be able to look at a world conception that includes many o f the themes explored by the authors, and the opposites which tend to be left out. Overall we will find the Good and the quest. To understand the breadth of the answer, the meanings of the question must be understood. The important questions are: can the Good be concrete? Can the Good be obtained? Is the Good a way of life? How is it unique? A concrete Good would be an immutable, unchanging Good. This would be a Good that exists in an abstract realm, something of a Platonic Form of the Good. If there were a less abstract Good, one more easily attained, we would all know it explicitly. Therefore, if there is an exact idea of what the Good is, it is hard enough to find that philosophers exist. The corollary to this question is, can the Good not be concrete? In other words, can the Good change or evolve, or is there always the same Good, forever? St. Augustine saw the Good as God, and saw God as non-physical and unchanging (Augustine, 4, ii(2)). As such, the Christian lifestyle, the Good life, would be a single path, the same throughout the ages.

Monday, November 11, 2019

1492: Conquest of Paradise and Indians Essay

1492: Conquest of Paradise is a movie directed by Ridley Scott and it was released in 1992. The main character Christopher Columbus was played by Gerard Depardieu and the movie was about his attempt to find a way to go to India by sailing west. The movie begins with Columbus teaching his son how the earth is round. Then Columbus thinks about the ways to get to India and that the best way was to go west. The people in Salamanca agreed to seeing his proposal all they do is laugh at it and challenge his idea. Even though the council rejected the idea he goes to Queen Elizabeth I which is played by Sigourney Weaver, and she gave him a chance. This other man wanted to help him but wanted money in return but Columbus did not accept and was to become a monk but the queen did not allow it and the queen supported the trip. They use this pendulum this to help them navigate and to find what degree latitude or longitude they are at. See more:  Unemployment – problems and solutions essay It has been weeks and the men think that they have gone off track and they do not trust in Columbus. They finally reach land and they go and explore until they find the indians. At first the indians are scary and Columbus’s plan does not involve force. They did not really find any gold except the artifacts the Indian’ gave them. The spanish were treated as gods. About 39 men stayed behind to build a fort while they go back to Spain cause the captain called Mendez played by Kevin Dunn, had a fever that would not go away. When they get to Spain they get applauded and and now he wants to go back with 7 ships and 1500 men. So he goes back to the West Indies and all his men are dead and the village they were at was burned down to the core. He wants peace with the Indians and so the Indians help bring in this bell and they help construct this fort and village. Then the Indians were put to find gold and they had to go turn it in everyday and one did not find anything and this man comes and chops his hand off and that starts a war with the natives. So the natives attach and burn down what they built but in reality an actual spaniard burnt it down. Two spaniards make allies with the Indian, one commits suicide then they start cooperating and this storm comes and everything is destroyed. Then at the end his son Fernando writes of his dad’s voyage. The movie is in the main character’s perspective which is Christopher Columbus. The message of the story is that if there is a will there is a way. Columbus did not give up even though the university did not support  him. The movie relates really well to the themes of politics, social, economical, and cultural. Social is about two types of people interacting, in this case the Indians and Spaniards. You see the culture of the Indians. From what i know about Christopher Columbus’s story I did not find any historical inaccuracies, except how he did 4 trips and they only show him doing 2 trips. This movie has a great value in advancing my knowledge of history. There are barely any historical inaccuracies (I believe), it stuck to the real history. I do not believe that there are not any drawbacks, this movie is very accurate and it is a valuable source.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Free Essays on Equality Of Education

An unequal level of achievement in schools is one of the most familiar aspects of the British education system. As rule schooling in Britain is a white middle class patriarchal institution and those who do not fit into those categories often find themselves underachieving, much of the time through no fault of their own. The group that this study will concentrate on is the ethnic minority population in Britain, and through the examination of materialist and cultural explanations will hopefully gain a further understanding of why many capable ethnic minority pupils do not reach their full potential in the British school system. One of the most popular arguments put forward for this is that the system fails the pupils and that there is inherent racism in the education system. Although this is certainly a factor, it is a simple one level explanation and the different layers involved in this explanation must be further examined before an adequate account is obtained. The case of ethnic minority underachievement in schools is a complex one as there are many overlapping inequalities with other groups, for example most ethnic minority children live in poor areas and face many of the same disadvantages as working class children such as poor resources within schools and a shortage of teachers. Therefore in this case it is very important to distinguish between equality of outcome, which has been concentrated on most in recent years, and equality of opportunity. If children in poor areas regardless of colour have overcrowded classrooms and fewer resources to learn with then it is almost inevitable that their quality of education will be poorer than those with better opportunities. Therefore in many cases it is not simply a case of ethnic minority pupils underachieving but working class pupils underachieving and comparison with white middle class children is unfair as it gives a skewed analysis which has no real relation to ethnic backgrou... Free Essays on Equality Of Education Free Essays on Equality Of Education An unequal level of achievement in schools is one of the most familiar aspects of the British education system. As rule schooling in Britain is a white middle class patriarchal institution and those who do not fit into those categories often find themselves underachieving, much of the time through no fault of their own. The group that this study will concentrate on is the ethnic minority population in Britain, and through the examination of materialist and cultural explanations will hopefully gain a further understanding of why many capable ethnic minority pupils do not reach their full potential in the British school system. One of the most popular arguments put forward for this is that the system fails the pupils and that there is inherent racism in the education system. Although this is certainly a factor, it is a simple one level explanation and the different layers involved in this explanation must be further examined before an adequate account is obtained. The case of ethnic minority underachievement in schools is a complex one as there are many overlapping inequalities with other groups, for example most ethnic minority children live in poor areas and face many of the same disadvantages as working class children such as poor resources within schools and a shortage of teachers. Therefore in this case it is very important to distinguish between equality of outcome, which has been concentrated on most in recent years, and equality of opportunity. If children in poor areas regardless of colour have overcrowded classrooms and fewer resources to learn with then it is almost inevitable that their quality of education will be poorer than those with better opportunities. Therefore in many cases it is not simply a case of ethnic minority pupils underachieving but working class pupils underachieving and comparison with white middle class children is unfair as it gives a skewed analysis which has no real relation to ethnic backgrou...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Grammar Tips An Overview of Grammatical Mood

Grammar Tips An Overview of Grammatical Mood Grammar Tips: An Overview of Grammatical Mood In humans, a mood is a feeling or an emotional state. If you’re in a good mood, for example, you’re feeling happy. But a grammatical mood is something else. So to help explain what a grammatical mood is, let’s look at the indicative, imperative, conditional, and subjunctive moods. What Is Grammatical Mood? Grammatical mood refers to how a sentence is constructed to reflect what we’re trying to do. Asking a question, for example, is different to giving a command. Consequently, we use slightly different sentences to do different things. And every sentence has a mood accordingly. Some sentences also have the Moody Blues, but thats a different issue.(Photo: Nationaal Archief/wikimedia) Strictly speaking, you dont need to know which mood you are using at all times to write effectively. And the lines between grammatical moods are sometimes blurred in English, which can be confusing.* But understanding the basics of mood can help you avoid errors in your writing, so we suggest checking out our guide to the basics below. The Indicative Mood We use the indicative mood whenever we express an opinion, make a factual statement or ask a question. For example: I love sleeping. He is going to bed. Has she gone to bed yet? The indicative mood is thus the most common grammatical mood by far, covering most statements. Depending on who you ask, though, questions can be classed separately as being in the interrogative mood. The Imperative Mood A command or a request is an example of the imperative mood: Please go to bed. You need to go to bed now! Sentences like this can be very short because, as in the first sentence above, the person being asked or told to do something is often left out. The Conditional Mood Conditional sentences typically use the modal verbs â€Å"could,† â€Å"might,† â€Å"should,† or â€Å"would.† This is because they express something that is uncertain or depends on something else. For instance: He could to go to bed if he wanted to. The sentence above is conditional because it refers to an outcome (i.e., going to bed) that depends on something else (i.e., wanting to go to bed). In other words, one part of the sentence is conditional on another part. The Subjunctive Mood The subjunctive mood concerns hypotheticals, such as wishes or suggestions. Typically, they are also â€Å"if† statements, such as: If I were tired, I would go to bed. Here, for example, the speaker is not tired. As such, the possibility of going to bed is only raised hypothetically, not as a likely course of action, so the sentence is in the subjunctive mood. This is distinct from the conditional example above, where going to bed is a concrete possibility. One common error related to the subjunctive mood is mixing up â€Å"were† and â€Å"was.† The confusion here is rooted in their past tense uses, where â€Å"was† is singular and â€Å"were† is plural. In the subjunctive mood, however, â€Å"were† can be both singular and plural. For instance: If I were him, I would go to bed. âÅ"“ Were we to go to bed now, we would sleep soundly. âÅ"“ If I was less busy, I would sleep more. âÅ"â€" Although a fairly minor error, it’s worth looking out for this in your work. And if you need a little more help telling your subjunctives from your conditionals at any point, don’t forget that we’re always available to proofread your documents, which includes a full grammar check. * If you have more than two grammarians in a room, at least one will insist there is no such thing as the conditional mood in English. And this can quickly descend into name-calling. Overall, though, we find it easy to ignore this for our day-to-day writing and proofreading needs.

Monday, November 4, 2019

How Newspapers and magazines can profit through online social networks Essay

How Newspapers and magazines can profit through online social networks (eg facebook) and expend their marketing - Essay Example In a qualitative study that attempts to explore the many ways in which users are experiencing the use of Facebook and Twitter in reference the The Sun and The Daily Telegraph, the ways in which the newspaper industry can find advantages to using online social networks will be examined. The explosion of the internet into a global phenomenon of information has created a substantial increase in the way that businesses can communicate about their services. As a business, the newspaper industry has the opportunity to take advantage of a great many advantages that the rise of social networks has provided. Services such as Facebook and Twitter provide a forum that can act as both a promotional tool and an outlet for information that the newspaper wishes to share. As well, the community can utilize the information in such a way as to create informed choices as to which newspaper represents their point of view in reporting. The study that is being undertaken has been designed to discuss the use of social networks, specifically Facebook and Twitter, in order to understand the way in which these two networks provide advantages to the readers for newspapers. Without an understanding of the experience, it will be more difficult in future research to interpret quantitative values. Therefore, this study has been designed to use a phenomenological approach in order to study the experience of the readership, rather than to only explore the statistical relationships. In using this form of research, it is hoped that a more clear understanding of the use of social networks for the media can be established. The study will use the interpretive stance on phenomenological research in order to provide the framework in which the study is developed. According to Bryman and Bell (2007, p. 20), the interpretive stance on phenomenological research can be determined through a sense of empathetic

Friday, November 1, 2019

Malaria case management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Malaria case management - Essay Example Eradicating malaria in the world is one of the top priorities of global health organisations and is a key objective of attaining universal health related targets stipulated in the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) (United Nations 2010). Consequently, both developed and developing countries have reinvigorated efforts to combat the disease that has remained a serious threat to health and wellbeing of people across the world for a long period. Currently, policies to control and prevent malaria infections form an important component of public health systems and primary care services play a pivotal role in their implementation. Some of malaria control and preventive measures include application of insecticide treated bed nets to prevent human contact with mosquitoes, indoor residual spraying with efficient insecticide and eradicating mosquito breeding habitats (Mathews 2011). Other measures include use of anti malarial drugs to treat the infection in all segments of affected population, including pregnant women and HIV/AIDS patients in addition to maintaining sustained malarial surveillance across the world (Mathews 2011). These policies have enhanced management and treatment of malaria in primary care service. However, before investigating impacts of government policies in management and treatment of the condition in primary care, it is important to explore the symptoms and causes of malaria and how they inform nursing practice. Causes and symptoms of malaria Malaria is a vector borne disease transmitted by female anopheles mosquito. The causative malarial parasite is a protozoan of genus plasmodium (MacDonald 1997). There are five major species of malarial parasites responsible for transmission of malaria. They include Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium falciparum, Plasmodium malariae, Plasmodium ovale and Plasmodium knowlesi. However, plasmodium vivax and plasmodium falciparum are the most important causes of malaria infection in the world (MacDonald 1997). The initi al symptoms of malaria infection are not specific and demonstrate remarkable resemblance to signs of a minor systemic viral disease (WHO 2009). The symptoms include fatigue, headache, fatigue and lassitude, normally followed by abdominal, muscle and joint pains. These symptoms are accompanied by fever, anorexia, chills, profuse sweating and vomiting. These signs are the major defining characteristics of malaria infection at the early stage (WHO 2009). People in regions where malaria is endemic are usually knowledgeable about these symptoms and consequently, incidences of self diagnosis are prevalent. Achan et al (2011) noted high incidents of malarial over diagnosis in primary care services especially in malaria endemic regions based on the demonstrated symptoms. According to Brieger (2009), the severity of malarial symptoms varies depending on the type of parasite involved. Infection by plasmodium vivax and plasmodium ovale demonstrates more pronounced symptoms of fever and chills than other malarial species. However, fatality rate at early malaria infection is rare but it increases when treatment is delayed and on prescription of ineffective drugs (Brieger 2009; WHO 2009). Delaying treatment of

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Affirmative Action Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Affirmative Action - Term Paper Example The following will explore job discrimination with an eye to how this form of discrimination affects certain groups of people in the labor market and how society has attempted to protect these people from discrimination. Taking a controversial approach to minority set aside programs, this essay will then persuasively argue that since these programs promote discrimination themselves, they are inherently defeatist and promote the same type of behavior that they try to eradicate. We now begin with an overview of the reasons for minority set aside programs – also called affirmative action – and this will follow with a concise rebuttal of the needs for such programs. We will explore the unintended consequences of affirmative action and begin with a concise exploration of the issue of discrimination in the work place. Discrimination in the workforce affects people from all walks of life. Accordingly, the employment opportunities of half of our population are hindered by latent and overt sexism in the offices of America. Affirmative action seeks to resolve issues of inequality and discrimination faced by select groups. The Civil Rights Act states emphatically that discrimination based on sex, race or religion is prohibited and the EEOC guidelines for affirmative action ensures that key groups are given specific advantages due to the challenges they will face in society. For example, it is well known that women in America earn substantially less than their male counterparts. The Equal Pay Act (EPA) of 1963 was established more than four decades ago to protect men and women who perform the same tasks from wage-based discrimination. Sexism is an unfortunate aspect of our modern society but the EPA seeks to combat it through positive legislation aimed at correcting the pay discrepancy between men and women in the labor force. Older workers also face a variety of impediments to their active inclusion in the labor force and the Age Discrimination in

Monday, October 28, 2019

Fire Protection Systems-Bachelor of Science Essay Example for Free

Fire Protection Systems-Bachelor of Science Essay 1. Specifications for a dry pipe sprinkler system in a cold storage warehouse The fire protection system to be supplied based on these specifications is dry pipe sprinkler Related works include electrical installations, walls penetrations sealing as well as the relevant drawings and calculations. To assure quality, all materials designs and works shall be supervised by qualified person (NICET level III certificate). Calculations are to be based on NFPA 13 and no detail shall be left or assumed. Sprinklers shall be availed in elevators and stairwells. The sprinkler performance shall be tested after installation. The new system of sprinkling design should meet all pre-set codes and standards for effective performance. The system components and devices shall be recommended by under writer Lab in ULFPE directory. Minimum experience of the contractor is 5 years. Layout must be supervised by experienced person and quality assurance done by a different qualified person. Submittals shall be done in one package, reviewed and then signed as required. The system drawings with all relevant required information by NFPA shall be provided. Calculations for the system’s remote areas with regard to one critical light hazard and ordinary hazard areas shall be done as requires by NFPA. Relevant compliance certificates shall be submitted. They include certificate of quality assurance, experience, test certificate for contractor and the various respective NICET III certificates. Again, all design and installation documents shall be required as issued by NFPA as well as the contract drawings. The dry pipe system sprinkler shall be piped in accordance with NFIA 13. All valves (control, drain, alarm and check valves) should meet the fine specifications as listed in UL. The sprinkler installed shall UL listed, its location strategic and its temperature appropriate for the room in is installed. Listing of each sprinkler shall be based on the classification of the room in which it is installed. The rooms are classified based on their occupancy. The dry systems switch and all tamper switches have to be linked to the fire alarm control panel as required by NFPA code 71 and 72 (Zalosh, 2003, pp. 166-168). 2. The reasons why a builder or architect might give a sprinkler contractor an incomplete set of contract drawings. There are a number of reasons that have been placed to explain why an architect may end up giving a contractor for sprinklers incomplete contract drawings. First, the builder or the architect may lack the competence in the engineering field. He may not the capacity to make workable designs for fire fighting equipment and for sprinklers in particular. Again, the architect may not have the relevant experience with respect to designing various systems for buildings that are of varying sizes and that may have varying needs for fire fighting systems. Through experience, a builder is capable of easily spotting an incomplete drawing. This is because most experienced architects have customized their expertise by developing check lists for the various requirements that make a contact drawing complete. In case they are in hurry, these check lists can fruitfully assist them in ensuring all important components in a contract drawn for a sprinkler contractor is complete. It is true to say that most architects specialize in designing houses and most leave minimum provisions for structures that are installed long after the house is competed. This is because most architects do not have an idea for what purpose the house they are designing shall be used. The fire fighting systems are installed as the need arise depending on the use for which the house shall be used. Sometimes, although rarely, some architects once they spot errors they had made in their designs, they may distort the designs to cover up their errors and this way, they evade possible blame for such errors (Gagnon, 1998, p. 107). This blame is avoided because it can cause serious impacts on the company contracted to design, given that they are in business and they need to keep their reputation. However, this action is against the requirements of the Code of Conduct for engineers. 3. The response time for the Californian fire department According to the Californian fire control and suppression department, the response time for this department vary considerably. This was evident from the various reports obtained from the department. The response time as discussed here denotes the period from the time when the department is informed about a fire incident through the preparation for take off until the time they reach the fire site. The major explanation given for this difference in response time was due to the various circumstances surrounding each fire break case. This could range from issues like distance, accessibility, appropriateness of the equipment available and the preparedness of the fire fighting crew in the given station. Response time Based on the principles of effective fire control, suppression and management, there is no specified time which can be termed as the ideal response time. The ideal response time is the best time possible within which a crew will get to the burning site and start acting upon the fire, in the given circumstances. For this ideal response time to be gotten there is need of strong spirit of team work from all parties concerned, starting with the commanders at the station to the fire fighters in action (Ammons, 2001, p. 157). Communication has to be most effective and the message about the incidence must be clearly and coherently communicated and information about what, where and when should be precisely given for response time to be as short as possible. Accessibility will be determined by the location of the burning property. Air crafts may be used where the fire is deep in the forests and land vehicles may be used where the site is accessible by road. Response time is usually prolonged in cases where fire is in a slum or where the estate planning was too poor as to allow accessibility in times of emergency. Some times, the planning could have provided for this but poor management of the available structures such as bridges could be the barrier. Generally, an exponential function is the result of correlating the damage caused by fire with the time it takes before suppression efforts begin. This means the more time you take, the little you should expect to rescue. Therefore, it is essentially basic to respond within the first few minutes from the time you receive the signal and the approach should of course avoid panic. The fire should be fought professionally. Although the response time for this department appear to be timely, it is advisable for companies relying on this facility for fire management to install their sprinkler fire fighting systems to avoid any loss that can result to delayed response from the fire department. Although this may not fully content the fire, it can substantially suppress the fire before the crew from the department arrives, therefore preventing total losses. 4. Measure the height of your house from ground level to the highest ceiling. What water supply must be available to supply 35 psi for a sprinkler at the highest ceiling? Pressure A= Pressure B+ Pressure C , Force ‘B’ must correspondingly increase to maintain the equilibrium balance of forces which in turn translates to an outlet pressure rise. Therefore a maximum water supply pressure of 100 psi is required. 5. Actions taken by the fire service when fighting flammable liquid storage tank fires with fixed water spray protection installed and without fixed water spray protection installed. The fire brigade commander professionally and quickly determines the kind of flammable liquid that is burning, its immediate properties such as density as compared to that of water. In cases where the water is denser, it is mostly avoided because it can potentially worsen the situation. The commander expertly and in no time determines the flash point of the burning fluid. If the liquid has the potential of burning when it mixes with air upon ignition, the commander may command the use of water to prevent reaching the flash point of that liquid. When the fire is detected in time, the spraying of water using the fixed apparatus will but not in large quantities will lower the temperature in the room and thus reduce the potential of the ambient room temperature to cause the ignition as this has been known to cause the ignition of most flammable liquids whose flash point is low. It is necessary to close the container from which the vapors are coming from as the ignited vapor can burn back to the liquid, thus resulting to a fatal explosion. In cases where there is no fixed water spray, the portable water sprayers can be used to spray water (but not to pour because the fluid will float on water and even burn more) to the atmosphere and even near the liquid containers to lower the temperature. It is important to assess the risk in both cases by referring to the flammability characteristics of the fluid in question. Again, both cases require a person to first wear personal protection gear such as eye protection equipment, gloves on hands to prevent burning in case you come in contact with the flammable liquid, and also additional protective clothing for the whole body. Safety shield is useful in cases where a potential explosion is most likely or an exothermic reaction is most likely. Generally, the actions done here include the transfer of the flammable liquid to a working fume board if possible. Any potential source of ignition should be completely eliminated (Fitzgerald, 2004, pp. 422-424). Then locate all the safety equipment. Use appropriate mode of alerting the nearby people. The use of water as a fire extinguisher in case the fire has been ignited should not be attempted but instead, the use of dry chemical extinguishers can be suitably used. Alternatively, the use of liquefied carbon dioxide can be effective on these flammable liquid fires. Ask for assistance from the nearby fire facility by calling the emergency numbers. 6. Fire alarm systems in a factory Fire alarms noted in the factory were of various kinds. First, the M-Fire Alarm system which had manual call points. They were placed mostly near escape routes and they largely lacked an automatic way of detecting fire. It mainly relied on a person raising alarm. In case of fire disaster L-Fire alarm system which was designed to preserve life. It could enable non affected people in a factory on fire to safely escape unhurt. It had automatic sensors of a possible fire disaster, beacons and sirens. The third kind is P fire alarm system which is designed such that it can simultaneously protect life of building occupants; protect the property inside and most importantly the building itself by having the ability to automatically dial out the emergency number of the fire brigade. The available fire alarm systems identified could also be classified either as single stage system or double stage system. The single stage system when activated could transmit a signal in the whole building such that all the occupants in the building become aware of the fire danger the soonest possible. The two stage system could first release a characteristic alert signal to all occupying staff. If the staffs confirm the existence of the fire, they activate the alarm signal. In case the component alert is false, the alarm can be silenced and the system reset. According to the fire protection engineer, the M fire alarm system was used because it could serve the whole chain of factory buildings. L fire alarm system was to ensure timely evacuation and that there was no loss of life as a result of inconveniences. The system requires use of fire resistant materials in the factory to avoid fast spread of fire in the factory which is common in most factories. On the other approach to identifying the alarm system in the factory, the two stage system was installed based on the fact that most industrial workers especially those in the offices may panic very easily if they abruptly learn about a fire in the building they are in. This system was seen a necessary measure to reduce the possible effects of false alarms. Finally, the installation of single stage alarm systems in the factory sites where most machines are in operation was based on the idea that the fuel for running the machines could easily catch fire and lead to a very rapid spread and therefore this form of alarm would avoid any form of delay (Gill, 1997, p. 97). The performance objectives of the company in using these systems is to attain fastest response to fire break in industry while keeping the panic associated with raising fire alarms as minimum as possible to the senior management and other support staff in the factory offices. 7. How the first Montreal Protocol agreement has been modified since 1987. The Montreal protocol meant to address the issues related to the production of substances that result to depletion of the critical ozone layer has been modified several times. Since its signing in 1987 by only 25 nations, the membership tally has rose up to one hundred and sixty eight nations as of now. Much of these changes are as a result of more awareness of the effects of the various halogen substances and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) on the ozone layer. This has been obtained through intensive scientific research. The major changes in this original protocol were noted in the year 1990 in London, 1992 in Copenhagen, 1995 in Vienna and the most recent was done in 1997 in the city of Montreal. The amendments were made to speed up the withdrawal and abstinence from the production of substances that deplete the ozone layer. First, the production and the use of halogen matter have a phase-out completely on the first day of January, 1994. Exactly two years later, the production and use of other ozone depleting substances was phased out. These substances include CFCs, tetra chlorides of carbon, methyl chloroform and others like complex compounds of hydrogen, bromine, fluorine and carbon (hydrobromofluorocarbons). It is important to note that some companies in certain nations were exempted from the above discussed bans while compounds of H, Cl, F and carbon are to be phased by the year 2020. As more knowledge continue to be obtained from scientific research, the current ozone depleting potentials of various substances shall continue to reviewed from time to time and the best standards shall be used. The Montreal Protocol has resulted to a decline of chlorinated hydrocarbons while the controlled use of hydrocarbons has resulted to leveled trend in emission levels. They have been predicted to begin declining by 2020 (Newton, 1995, p. 1). 8. Aqueous and non-aqueous agents are employed by the Californian fire service, Aqueous agents used First, the most commonly used aqueous substance in fire fighting is water itself. It can either be pure or salty but mostly pure water is rarely used. Ice has been sparingly used but it is effective in keeping room temperature low below the flash point of most flammable liquids. However, an array of hydrated chemicals has been developed for use in the fire fighting exercise. Most of the agents that are used in this chemical formulations include chlorinated metaxylenol, some forms of Urea, heteropolysaccharide-7 substance, aqueous solution of equal amount of sodium decylsulfate and sodium octylsulfate (both used in equal amounts in terms of their molar masses, other compounds like monobutyl ether made of diethylene glycol as well as the hydrated form of isopropyl mixture. Other chemicals used may vary narrowly from this typical composition to contain fewer compounds than these or include a few more compounds such as ammonia and magnesium sulfate. Non aqueous agents used The most commonly used non water agents in fighting fire in this fire service was Liquefied carbon dioxide which is packed in sturdy metallic cylinders and let out through some nozzles at the top of the cylinders. It is popularly known for its effectiveness in fighting and suppressing fires on flammable liquid tanks and containers. It acts by cutting off the oxygen supply from the atmosphere by forming a blanket like layer over the fire. In additions, these kinds of fires can also be handled by the use of dry chemical extinguishers. Fire beaters are commonly used in the grassland wildfires in California and they are used by trained fire beating crew who must wear appropriate garments and gears that are not only resistant to the fire itself but also protective from the painful burning characteristic of open-fire fighting. The criteria for determining the kind of agent to be used is based on the kind of fire (in the open or in a building), the kind of material burning (flammable liquid or wood or plastic or any other) and also on the resources available. Curbed fires can be suppressed by adequate water spray while fire from a fuel tank can be suppressed by used of liquid carbon dioxide. The agent selected should be the most appropriate under the prevailing conditions (Schwartz Perry, 2007, p. 334). 9. Gift from a client or other person with whom one has a professional relationship, which must be reported to an employer, those if accepted could create a conflict of interest and state the justification. a. A pen with promotional advertising on it. It should be reported because if kept as a secret, other parties with similar interest as this client may see this as a campaign for this particular client’s company. b. A promotional videotape- it should be reported but it has no potential for causing conflict of interest. Reporting will allow for analyzing of the message in the tape and whether it is acceptable or not. c. A book of engineering data – this should be reported because the information contained in this book has not been established to be in conformity with the applicable standards for engineering. If not reported, it can cause a conflict of interest because if an engineer beliefs in the data, he is likely to have conflicts with others who use the preset standards. d. An engraved briefcase – it should also be reported because the material used to make it may be unsafe. Since briefcases are carried at work, the engraved briefcase may act as a source of irradiations which can potentially form a source of ignition for liquids with low splash points. e. A car – This should be reported because if not reported, it may be perceived as a reward for favor done before which is not acceptable according to the engineering code of ethics. This client may also be malicious and implant explosive materials in the car, and set it to explode when parked near the factory. Reporting will give room for inspection to avoid such terrorism minded clients or persons. f. A calendar- This should not be reported and cannot be a source of conflict if reported because it does not feature any where within the codes of ethics. However, if it contains advertisements of a company with which you have business relations, it should be reported because it has the potential of influencing the decisions of the engineer and may be seen as unfair by other companies with which you have similar business ties. g. A sterling silver pen with your name engraved on it- it should not be accepted if the person is involved in fraudulent enterprise as stipulated in the Rules of Practice number 1d. The engraved material may be radioactive and thus form a hazard especially when working in factories with highly flammable liquid tanks. h. An encyclopedia. This should be accepted and never reported because it has general information and the information contained is usually standardized and can be believed to be true. In case it is not reliable, the publisher can be held responsible (NSPE, 2003, pp. 1-2). 10. About an article related to unethical conduct The article is about a company that was involved in corrupt tendering process. The way it obtained road construction tenders was questionable by its competitors. This unethical engineering conduct has led to several impacts. First, there has been pressure from the other registered road constructors to de-register this constructor and soon, this individual company may be out of business. The engineers directly involved in the scandal may as well be deregistered. Since this has been highlighted by the press, the whole society may lose the trust they had on the engineering society unless a stern action is taken. This is against the professionalism of engineering and it is ‘staining’ the profession. This act is against the code of conduct for engineers since they are required to execute their duties honestly. The law also requires them to conduct themselves honorably and ethically and always act within the law. This is meant to retain the reputation and most importantly the usefulness of the profession. The ethical actions that should be taken against the perpetrators of this act include appearing for questioning to prove the misconduct, and if found guilty, the perpetrators should be sentenced as per the law (NSPE, 2003, pp. 1-2). The engineers involved should also be de-registered from the society for engineers for ‘staining’ the society and violating the rules they know very well. References Ammons, D. (2001). Assessing Municipal Performance. US: Sage. Fitzgerald, W. (2004). Building Fire Performance Analysis. New York: J. Wiley and Sons. Gagnon, R. M. (1998). Special Hazard Design. New York: Thomson Delmar. Gill, P. (1997). Factory Management and Maintenance. Michigan: McGraw Hill. National humanity of skilled engineers (NSPE). (2003). Code of Ethics for Engineers. Alexandria: NSPE. Newton, D. C. (1995). ‘The Ozone Dilemma’, The Columbia Encyclopedia. Columbia: Columbia University press.